Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Best

I am doing my best
Trying all I can
Most times I think
That it's not good enough
That I'm not good enough
But how can I be
When I have been told
For so long that I'm not
All that I want
Is to be accepted
For who I am
And what I am
I am doing my best
To keep from falling apart.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Keep to myself
No one to hear
To listen to my thoughts
Stay in my shell
No one needs to know
What I am feeling
I am empty
I am hollow
I am safe in my shell

Thursday, April 12, 2012


If he were there
maybe he would see.
If he existed
maybe he could help me.
I have spoken to him
but he's not really there.
I have pleaded with him
for guidance in the past.
He did not hear me.
He is just an illusion.
I no longer believe in the illusion.
He is the me I envisioned as a child.
He is just an illusion.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Me

I am just me.
That is all I know how to be.
I am not able to be fake.
I cannot pretend.
I do not how care how I am perceived.
All I can be is me.
I cannot change what I have done.
I cannot apologize enough.
My mistakes are my own.
I bear them alone.
When you finally realize,
and leave me, alone.
I will still be just me.