Sunday, September 16, 2012


     When did all of our politicians go batshit crazy and lose complete touch with reality and the American people they are supposed to represent.  From getting into and continuing to spend our money on unpopular military actions, to ruining the economy, to using religion as the sole basis for making laws, they have completely FUCKED UP OUR COUNTRY!!!  Around the world this country used to be admired for it's morals, integrity and opportunities that were available to the average person.  Nowadays America is a fucking joke to most foreign countries.  We treat our criminals better than our veterans, elderly, handicapped and poor.  Our prisoners get 3 meals a day, a bed to sleep in, cable T.V., exercise equipment, free education, and on and on.  It is a pretty sad commentary on our country that the recidivism rate in this country is so high.  Approximately 70% of all released prisoners get rearrested within 3 years of release.  To me that says that the outside world is so fucked up for these people they would rather be in prison risking ass rape and shankings then live on the outside.  Most of these people come from low income backgrounds and find it impossible to make an honest living, so they turn to crime to survive.  I am not making excuses for their actions and in no way condone criminal activity, but I understand why they would find it easier.  Most criminals make a lot more money committing crimes then they could ever hope to make respectably.
     I am not a big supporter of President Obama, but I find it reprehensible that the Republicans are blaming him for not fixing in four years, what the previous administration took years to fuck up!  Two major causes of   our present economic trouble is the deregulation of the banking and oil industries.  The banking industry completely demolished our real estate market, and the oil industry is now able to charge whatever they want for fuel, raising the cost of all other goods, all while maintaining record profits over the last several years.  Another major problem I see with our government is all of the money we send in aid to foreign countries, while neglecting our citizens who are suffering.  We have approximately 650,000 homeless in this country, not to mention all of the people living in total squalor, homes unsuitable for habitation, children going hungry and overall substandard living conditions.  We need to take care of our own, I would sure as hell feed my family before feeding the family down the street.
     I am not going to get into my views on the morality debates that have been going on, because those who know me already know my views.  I will just say that I do not believe that issues such as gay marriage and abortion are issues for national debate.  I don't believe that you can legislate morality, especially when that "morality" comes from a book written thousands of years ago, not by "GOD", but by men who also thought they new better than everybody else, therefore if you did not listen to them you were immoral.  A book, mind you, that contains many contradictions, inaccuracies, errors in translation and many reinterpretations by various church groups and officials.
     People always say that if you don't vote then you can't complain, but how can I vote for any politician when I don't respect them and don't believe a single word that comes out of there mouths.  They are all constantly contradicting themselves, back-tracking, flip-flopping and flat out lying to our faces every single days.  If I ever believed that a politician had any integrity and was honest, and not just working for the special interest groups and people who line their pockets with fat stacks of greenbacks, I would be more than happy to vote for that person.  Unfortunately it seems to be going in the opposite direction.  The more I listen, the more I believe that politicians are only out to make money for themselves and their friends, and they could not give two shits about what the average American wants.  So to all of the politicians out there, FUCK YOU AND THE SPECIAL INTEREST FUNDED HORSE YOU RODE IN ON.  START DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB.  TAKE CARE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO YOU FUCKING WORK FOR, YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS, HOLIER THAN THOU, MONEY GRUBBING PIECES OF SHIT!!!  ASSHOLES!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"The Hobbit"

Maybe I'm a nerd, but I can't wait for "The Hobbit" to come to theaters later this year!  I must have read the book about 50 times when I was a kid, and I could probably read it about 50 more.  There is just something about reading that story that makes me happy and I am really excited to see it on the big screen with real people playing it out.  I'm also happy they are making it into 3 movies instead of condensing it into one, which would severely cut out a lot of the details that make the book so great.  The trilogy movies were great, but they really had to cut out a lot of detail and imagery in order to make them into one movie per book.  Now don't mistake me for a Lord of The Rings freak, caressing my "Precious", and getting all butt hurt when someone makes fun.  I am not a fanatic, just a fan.  I can watch the trilogy movies over and over and not get tired of them, but I don't take it all that seriously.  When I first heard that they were making the trilogy into movies I was excited, but at the same time disappointed that they were not making "The Hobbit" first.  Now I finally get to see one of my favorite books of all time come to life on the big screen!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm not positive, but I'm trying.

For the most part, I find overly positive people to be exceedingly irksome.  They just get under my skin.  Maybe it's because I think they are just putting up a front by being so overly happy all the time.  I must say, though, that there are exceptions.  I do have a few friends that are very positive and happy people and I like them very much in spite of it.  I'm not generally the most positive person, but I am trying to eliminate the perception that I am always mad or have a bad attitude.  I do know that it is working because I just had my mid-year evaluation at my job.  It was overwhelmingly positive, and for the first time since I was promoted to management I was not given negative feedback for being too negative.  I was still told by my store manager that I need to smile more.  Whenever someone says something about me not smiling enough I usually ask them if I should walk around with a big dumb grin on my face all the time like some kind of moron.  Really, should I?  I'm sorry if my normal facial expressions are scary or somehow offensive to some people, but that's just the way I am, sorry!  I don't have a pretty face and I'm not going to walk around looking like a damn fool with a dopey grin so people won't be afraid of me.  Those that really know me know that I am not scary or unapproachable, unless you really piss me off, and it usually takes a lot for that to happen.  I am working really hard at trying to not let the little things bother me so much.  I am trying to be a happier person, but it is hard, especially the last 6 months.  I am by nature, or perhaps nurture, somewhat of a pessimist, although I prefer to think of myself more as a realist.  I generally have a wait and see attitude, and am pretty laid back for the most part.  I am not creative thinker, I am a logical thinker.  I don't want to be seen as Mr. Negativity, I know someone like that, and although I like them very much, the overwhelming negativity wears on me sometimes.  So I am making a concerted effort to portray a more positive attitude and try to eliminate most of the grumpiness that a lot of people see in me.  I know my bosses having noticed, hopefully others are noticing too.